Jason Wang's GITA 2 Website

This year I am in GITA 2. We are learning HTML.

Even though we are learning virtually, I am enjoying coding.

As a junior at BOHS, I am currently taking GITA 2,

AP Calculus AB, AP Physics, Chinese 3, AP US History, and AP Lang.

A webpage on misinformation being
spread during the COVID-19 pandemic

Tech Page:
A webpage on NASA's space
explorer robot, the SPARROW

Business Card:
A digital business card
for a news company

A photo collage
of interests and favorites

GITA Gear:
A simulated GITA
merchandise store

A webpage with a recipe
and a popup print version

Dice Roll:
A simulated dice roll
that displays statistics

Vegas Craps:
A simulated craps game
using variables and data

Circle Bounce:
A simple animation
with a bouncing circle

Character Game:
A basic game in which a character
tries to reach the top of the screen

An html recreation of
the classic game

An simple tank game
with a fire mechanic and AI

Circle Objects:
Randomly created circles that bounce
and are removed by a square

Tank Upgrade:
An upgrade to the tank game
that adds additional components

Cyber Safety:
A cyber safety website
created with a template

A helicopter game using an array
to randomly generate/delete birds

Number Array:
A number sorter that uses an array
to calculate average and the max/min.

Final Project:
A program called Shape Shooter
that uses aspects of everything learned
before to make a playable game.

(714) 990-7850
789 Wildcat Way, Brea, CA 92821